Category: Hanga | Create

Immersion Assembly

This week it was the first day of school and after we had our team assembly then we had our first school assembly of the term . Then after that assembly we had talk about what we are doing for the term. And this term we are learning about sound music vibrations and sound travel.


This week I have school in the morning then once I got to school we had immersion assembly but it was diffrent from the other immersion assembly’s we had to watch it online. This terms theme is karawhiua and this means give it heaps give it all you got and this means that you have to try hard and work hard to complete your goals. and In the immersion assembly we had a look at what the other teams are doing this term.


At the end of last term we had the holidays. for the first two days I stayed home and played the PlayStation then on Monday to Friday I went to riverside camp with all of my friends like noa and fale. Then we on Saturday and Sunday I played the PlayStation again then on Monday I went rollerskating at skateland with my cousins and family. Then on Tuesday I went to otahuhu pools then for the next two days Wednesday and Thursday I just stayed home and played with my nephew. Then on Friday I went to the zoo with my older brothers my sisters parents and my cousins. Then on saturday I went to rainbows end with everyone again and I went on the stratosfear. Then on the last day I went to Sylvia park and went to the arcade and then I went to go get me some new shoes I brought me Jordan 4s black cats.


My goals for this term is to be better at swimming because we have a free swimming lessons that we have at school. My other goal is to be better at eating healthy and being more fitter. my last goal for this term  is to be better at my decision and doing the right thing and being sure if its a good decision or not.

Inquiry Plays

Task Description: Last week we did our plays because we all got put in five different groups to do our inquiry plays. My highlight was watching other groups do their plays. My lolwlight was how long our play took to finish and the amount of time it took to know our peoples roles.